Governance at Greyrock Commons
As an owner or renter you are eligible and expected to take a role in the governance of Greyrock which is based on consensus decision-making . The only distinction between an owner and renter is that renters do not participate in setting the budget for long term maintenance and replacement of capital items.
Ways to participate include:
Attendance at monthly community meetings where issues of concern to the whole community are shared and decisions are made.
Serving on the Board of our Homeowner's Association (HOA).
Serving on the Board of "Uncommon Inc.", a for- profit subsidiary of the HOA which handles finances for the meal program and Local Area Network.
Leadership of, or membership on teams which work on projects of interest and importance to the community. Greyrock depends on the volunteer efforts and expertise of different community members. While Greyrock does not currently have any formal "work requirement" for residents, we believe that we are a more cohesive and cooperative community when responsibility is shared.
Numerous Greyrock teams provide community residents with opportunities to contribute their unique skills/ expertise while also providing opportunities to learn new skills.
Examples of Greyrock Teams:
Home Owners Association Board
Agenda Team
Chicken Team
Common House Care Team
Community Life Team
Design Review Committee
Facilitation Team
Finance Team
Garden Team
IT Team
LAN Team
Landscape Team
Mowing Team
Natural Area Team
Orientation Team
Uncommon, Inc.Board
Other teams as needed. Some teams even go away when they finish their work!